Known internationally, the creation of the Santo Antonio da Bela Vista stud farm is among the most important in Brazil and is guided by intense dedication, passion, unity of a family and the constant search for the RFI identity. Our obstinacy is a consistent, long-term breeding program, free from fads, and our brand is the production of Arabian horses that combine beauty and functionality.
As a result of this philosophy, RFI breeding is proud to have produced animals that are national and international champions in halter, performance and enduro.
Our genetics are known worldwide, with horses, matings and eggs exported to several countries in Latin America, North America, Europe and the Middle East. The RFI brand is in the pedigree of dozens of outstanding animals in these locations due to the genetic influence of our breeders and especially of two stallions of our breeding: RFI Maktub (Altam Yshmayl x RFI Cyntilation) and their son RFI Farid (x RFI Fayara El Shiraz).
The RFI creation is currently designed by sons and daughters of RFI Maktub. With several international titles, including the Bronze Colt Championship at the 2010 Paris World Championships (Salon Du Cheval), RFI Farid is currently among the most important sires in the world.

With over 3,000 years of selection, the Arabian breed is the oldest in the world.
Brazil is among the best breeders in the world.
Our story
With 30 years completed in 2021, the creation of Stables Santo Antonio da Bela Vista, is among the most important in Brazil and is guided by intense dedication, passion, unity of a family and the constant search for the RFI identity, prefix that makes up the name of the horses of today known as RFI Arabians. “Our obstinacy has always been a consistent, long-term breeding program that is free from fads, and our brand is the production of Arabian horses that combine beauty and functionality, comments Rodrigo Forte, who today is at the forefront of the breeding started together with his parents, Carlos and Marisa Forte, and his sister Isabella, in 1991.
RFI Arabians is also known as the home of RFI Maktub, a stud born at Haras Santo Antonio da Bela Vista in 1998 who consolidated the creation of the Forte family and marked Brazilian and world breeding through his children and grandchildren with a standard of beauty and quality peerless.
This beautiful breeding story began on May 1, 1991 with the acquisition of the purebred Arabian male C-Cherez (HFS-Phoenix and C-Cynabar by *Dewajtis) during an unpretentious visit by the Fortes to the Agricultural Exhibition of Itapetininga, the city where where you can find the stud farm, which at that time was just a family leisure property. Enchanted by its beauty, which was presented mounted, C-Cherez was acquired as a riding horse for the weekends. C-cherez not only won the hearts of the Fortes with her beauty and unmistakable personality, but surprisingly she also won nine English Pleasure Brazilian Championships, one of the most beautiful Arabian Horse performance tests, many of them with Rodrigo, something that motivated the family to start acquiring Arabian mares.
Passionate about performance and considering the Arabian Horse a living work of art, the Forte Family began to select horses that bring together the maximum beauty and refinement with the most correct conformation, strength and movement. The purpose of this was to produce horses that could be used both in the conformation and beauty categories (halter) and in the most diverse and demanding mounted competitions.
The stud base was developed through the acquisition of animals with remarkable pedigrees, from renowned national and international breeding such as Haras Canapuan (owned by Cláudio Bardella), Haras Ilha da Chapada – Rach (owned by the Saliba Family), Haras Serradinho – JP (owned by Jeremias by Paula Martins) and Haras Meia Lua (by Lenita Perroy), in addition to animals imported from countries such as the United States, Poland, Denmark and Germany. Of this first batch of matrices, four deserve enormous attention due to the legacy left until today in the RFI breeding: C-Cynadra (*HFS-Phoenix and C-Cherry by *Dewajtis), mother of RFI Cyntilation (by Ninjah El Jamaal) and maternal grandmother of RFI Maktub; Key of Glory JP (Naadir x AF Beulah by *Ansata El Tareef), acquired with her filly Fire Glory (by *NV Sure Fire), respectively grandma and dam of RFI Fayara El Shiraz (by Shiraz El Jamaal), dam by RFI Farid; *Singularsensation (Gold Krugerand x Forever mi Love by Negatraz), maternal grandmother of RFI Sophie AlMaktub; and Nizina (*Cobrah x Ghadia FA by SA Fadji), maternal grandmother of RFI Norah AlMaktub and RFI Nazyra AlMaktub, both daughters of RFI Maktub out of RFI La Jolla by Expoente. Such mares that marked the history of RFI breeding gave rise to families whose descendants carry the initials of their names, especially the "F" families, of origin in Fire Glory and without *Singular sensation.
Important steps were taken with the acquisition of two other males, Shiraz El Jamaal (*Ali Jamaal x *Satyna by *Etat), purchased in partnership with the brothers Eliane and Bruno Massari (Haras Massari) in 1996, at six months old, from the creation of Haras Meia Lua, by Lenita Perroy, which became two years later to become chief breeder of the RFI breeding, and *Neschnij (Neman x Neschi by Kilimandscharo) in 2001 when Haras Canapuã, owned by Cláudio Bardella, was liquidated, where C-Cherez and C-Cynadra had come from. Both very beautiful and functional, Shiraz and Neschnij were in line with the breeding philosophy of the Forte family and over the years they left lots of daughters of great quality, which later allowed for another step forward in breeding, with emphasis on RFI Fayara El Shiraz, mother of RFI Farid, and RFI Sophia Al Neschi, mother of RFI Sophie AlMaktub.
Success stories in breeding are not only made of good horses, but also of people of high technical quality, committed and passionate. In 1994 Claudinei Batista Rodrigues, known as Nei, was hired and trained by Rodrigo to now occupy the position of general manager of the stud farm. In 1996, another partner of fundamental importance was hired as a consultant, Leopoldo Coutinho, which helped improve the breeding program with the Forte family and which is still a fundamental part of the management of RFI Arabians. “Nei and Leopoldo have been my right-hand men for many years, without them what we have today would not exist. They are incredible professionals that I have the greatest admiration and confidence in”, comments Rodrigo, who then goes on to say about the great team of professionals, veterinarians, trainers and trainers who form a great team at RFI Arabians.
But the big star of RFI creation is called RFI Maktub, from the mating of Altam Yshmayl (by *RSD Dark Victory in Yamina) in RFI Cyntilation (by Ninjah El Jamaal in C-Cynadra), a sire who consolidated the breeding program and crowned the success of this stud farm. Altam Yshmayl, Maktub's sire, was bred by Erika Stolterfoth, former breeder of Itapetininga and the first stud farm of the breed to be visited by Carlos and Marisa, even before the purchase of C-Cherez. Erika also became a great friend.
RFI Maktub was used in breeding for only six years and left an important mark on Brazilian and world breeding. Their first born son, RFI Farid, has been one of the most prominent breeders in world breeding for many years, with national champion offspring in several countries, as well as world champion offspring. In 2016 RFI Farid performed an unprecedented feat, three of his daughters were World Champion Fillies: D Ajayeb (Gold Champion), HDM Maria Apal (Silver Champion) and Madinat Al Baydaa (Bronze Champion), in addition to having won the title of Best Breeder of the Salon du Cheval in Paris.
Currently the breeding program of RFI Arabians is structured from sons and daughters of RFI Maktub. Rodrigo and Leopoldo selected five of their offspring, which have been widely used, not only by the RFI Arabians, but also by many important Brazilian breeders, continuing the work started by Maktub. The most advanced is Quasim CRH (x Maxine CRH by Nuzyr HCF) who, despite his youth, already proves to be a sire of great quality and potential. He is the sire of 2016 Bronze Female Junior National Champion RFI Fahaara AlMaktub (x RFI Fayara El Shiraz by Shiraz El Jamaal), who with another beautiful daughter of Quasim, RFI Faenza AlMaktub (x Fire Glory by NV Sure Fire) made up the team that won the Breeders' Cup 2017 for the breeding of Rodrigo Forte, the stud's second title in this highly prestigious competition among Brazilian breeders. From the origin of the RFI creation, four other children of RFI Maktub were selected, whose products began to be born recently. Are they: RFI Faruk AlMaktub (x RFI Fayara El Shiraz by Shiraz El Jamaal), 2013 National Junior Male Gold Champion, full brother of RFI Farid, RFI Fidji AlMaktub (x RFI Faiza El Shiraz by Shiraz El Jamaal), highly awarded on the track, and the two youngest , RFI Ramses AlMaktub (x Hazine CRH for Berry CHR), two-time National Champion, 2014 Silver Male Junior National Champion and 2016 Bronze Colt National Champion, and RFI Raj AlMaktub (x Letycha HPA by Lethyf El Jamaal), 2018 Young Horse National Top Ten.
One of the keys to the success of RFI breeding was selecting and holding high quality females, even if the market wanted to acquire them. Currently, RFI Maktub daughters are intensely sought after by Brazilian and international breeders, not only for their beauty, but for their proven reproductive capacity. Many of them, not just those with the RFI prefix, are mothers of national champions. It is worth noting that the 2019 Brazilian Nationals, seven different daughters of Maktub produced seven national champions. RFI Arabians has fifteen daughters of RFI Maktub in reproduction, young matrices that already demonstrate a unique capacity as mothers, carrying all the qualities and the “Maktub pattern”, even when crossed with stallions of different pedigrees. Of this group, it is worth noting RFI Bettina AlMaktub (x SB Ballerina by Don El Chall), dam of Marcelhah Arabco (x *El Tino), 2019 Golden Female National Junior Champion, RFI Fantina AlMaktub (x RFI Fayara El Shiraz), full sister of RFI Farid, RFI Ultraa AlMaktub (x Seduction HBV by Power World JQ), dam of the worldwide sensation colt RFI Unique (x AF Maden), RFI Special AlMaktub (x RFI Sophia Al Neschi), full sister of RFI Sophie AlMaktub, not to mention her, the 2018 National Champion Gold Mare and one of the most beautiful mares in the world, who in 2020 was sold and exported to the US to breeders Cindy McGown , Mark Davis, Carol and Stuart Nierenberg.
Concerned with the diversification of bloodlines and options for stallions sired by RFI Maktub, RFI Arabians decided to purchase new sows for the breeding program in recent years, as is the case with Maxine CRH (Nuzyr HCF x Barbara Psyche HC by Magnum Psyche), mother of Quasim CRH, at the time bought with his mother, Scarlet El Karim (Karim El Power JQ x Eskalla Lethyf by Lethyf El Jamaal), Ghynevere El Perseus (Perseus El Jamaal x Ginza El Ludjin by Ludjin El Jamaal), Khiva Half Moon (Eman El Ludjin x WC Godiwa by Gazal Al Shaqab), both acquired from the Haras Meia Lua herd liquidation, Donatela UB (Vortex x *Dulcinea BHF by *Denali BHF) and Evening Star TGS (Lumiar Amadeus x *Promise V by Huckleberry Bey), acquired at the age of 22 for being the dam of Lumiar Ethna (x RFI Maktub) the 2019 National Gold Mare Champion. Khiva and Donatela were purchased in partnership with their friend and great creator Jairo Queiroz Jorge.
One of the most special moments in Brazilian national exhibitions in recent years occurred in the 2019 edition, when RFI Sophie AlMaktub, the 2018 champion, passed the belt of National Champion Égua Ouro to her sister Lumiar Ethna (RFI Maktub x Evening Star TGS) . The moment was unique because on the podium was also his daughter RFI Sensation (x Jazeer De Wiec), who had also just won the title of National Champion Silver Mare. “Two sisters and a daughter, I never imagined such a special and emotional moment to see those three mares together during the national mare championship awards”, comments Carlos Alberto Forte, founder of RFI Arabians. One of the most beautiful females bred by RFI Arabians, RFI Sensation, was sold and exported to Germany in 2019 to Hanaya Stud, owned by Nayla Hayek from Germany.
RFI Sophie AlMaktub it is a separate chapter. Full of fans in Brazil and abroad, it not only won awards for morphology, such as the Premium Cup of the Breeders' Cup in 2011, the Best Head of the Nationals in 2013 and the National Champion Mare Gold in 2018, but also became as a great breeder, being the mother of Brazilian National Champions RFI Sensation (x Jazeer De Wiec), RFI Splendor (x *El Tino) and RFI Sawari (Excalibur EA), as well as dam of Pharaoh HBV (x Psyche HBV), who in 2016 won the Silver Colt Champion at the famous Nations Cup show (Aachen/Germany) and Bronze Colt World Champion at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris. Pharaoh was bred by Luciano Cury, Haras Boa Vista, and is now owned by Al Baydaa Stud in Egypt. Sophie left behind at RFI Arabians four daughters and a granddaughter, RFI Singular Emotion (Quasim CRH x RFI Sensation), all with a mission to carry on her dynasty.
From a structured, continuous program marked by a unique and recognized standard, RFI Arabians takes another step forward with grandsons and granddaughters of RFI Maktub, representatives of the fourth and fifth generations of horses with the RFI prefix. Two males were assigned to the reproductive role, RFI Splendor (*El Tino x RFI Sophie AlMaktub by RFI Maktub), 2018 Silver Colt National Champion and 2019 Nationals sensation, Unique RFI (AF Maden x RFI Ultra AlMaktub by RFI Maktub), the Young Foal National Champion who in this exhibition moved hundreds of people with his unique beauty and charisma, winning category and championship unanimously. In 2019, “The Unique Partnership” was formed in partnership with the Jordanian couple of breeders Mohammad Sayed and Dania Kurdi from Haras Alkaisar in Uruguay. In 2020 RFI Unique was sent to Europe to continue his track and breeding career hosted at the Schoukens Training Center in Belgium.
A beautiful group of fillies, granddaughters of RFI Maktub, is already selected for breeding and continuity of the program, mostly daughters of Quasim CRH. Among the fillies, two of them are already breeding with great expectation, RFI Fahaara AlMaktub (Quasim CRH x RFI Fayara El Shiraz by Shiraz El Jamaal), 2016 Junior Bronze Female National Champion, whose first son by Dominic M, named RFI Fiorano, with a lot of potential, and RFI Faenza AlMaktub (Quasim CRH x Fire Glory by *NV Sure Fire). Also joining this group are RFI Raffaella (Quasim CRH x *S Rhapsody by Marwan Al Shaqab) and the newly imported daughter of RFI Maktub *Mona El Maktub (x ZT Maglie by AB Magnum) bred by Ferdinand Huemer from Austria; but many others could be mentioned, especially the 2019-2020 generation.
“The stud farm has become a very special place over all these years, not only because we have good horses, but especially because it is the meeting place for my family. family. We started with my children Isabella and Rodrigo and today I am happy to share all of this with my grandchildren Marina and Felipe, both horse lovers”, says Marisa Forte. Rodrigo complements talking about the importance of succession for a long-term program, as there are three generations very involved with the creation of the Arabian Horse.
Structure, Team and Partners
THE Santo Antonio da Bela Vista stud farm It has a highly professional structure suitable for creating the highest standard.
For horse breeding, the stud farm has approximately 6 bushels of paddocks, all made up of “coast-cross” grass, specially divided for sows, foals and stallions, in addition to two stall pavilions, one for breeders and show animals and one second only for sows, sows with foals at foot and weaned animals, including maternity stalls.
For the preparation of animals for exhibition, including daily training and conditioning, the stud farm has a roundel and a sand track for riding and presentation.
We have a highly qualified team of employees, partners and suppliers for the numerous activities, such as feeding, reproduction, conditioning, training and maintenance.